~~Portland Cross-Pollination Project!~~

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November 19, 2006

STRATEGY: succession model education – Desert Harvesters

Brad, Rodd, Chi, and other superheroes formed “Desert Harvesters,” a group dedicated to promoting native foods in the Tucson area. They make it fun and easy to integrate native foods into daily life. One fabulous event is their annual Mesquite Pancake Breakfast.

Mesquite trees are found in abundance throughout the Sonoran Desert and Tucson itself! The pods are a traditional food, full of flavor and nutritional delight. Once ground, the flour makes dee-licious pancakes and breads.

Click here for more photos!

Mesquite pancakes with prickly pear cactus syrup – super yum!

Hundreds of people line up for a taste – what a great educational experience.

After breakfast, people can bring their collected mesquite pods (from the many trees right in the city) and get them ground into flour. What a cool concept!

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